How my journey began…


Exercise Physiologist, Certified Life Coach, Certified ISR Instructor & Certified in Aquatics Autism Training

Our family became part of the ISR family back in 2004. My first son took lessons at 9 months old when we lived in Jacksonville, FL. I had watched my niece take lessons back in 2001 and when we bought our home with a pool, we knew we wanted our babies to be safe around our home pool. My oldest started lessons at 9 months old and his lessons came to save his life at the age of 3 when he fell into the pool in a full leg cast and was able to float and get to the side while my husband was able to run over to help him out of the water. He was definitely a strong-willed student, but our persistence paid off!

We are a family of 5 that love spending every minute in the water whether it is a pool, lake, or ocean. Our daughter started lessons at 6 months old and became an amazing swimmer for the swim team by the age of 4. Our youngest son has low-functioning autism, so it was critical to get him into ISR lessons as soon as we could as he was drawn to water. ISR has taught our family how to be great aquatic problem solvers in every way.

Our family moved to Woodstock, GA back in 2012 and have become part of the most amazing community of Towne Lake. Now that my kids are 21, 19, and 17 my time has come to be able to take on something I have been wanting to do since they started ISR back in 2004. I am beyond thrilled to be able to offer ISR lessons in our private saltwater pool. As a certified instructor, I completed an extensive 8-week training course, learning the best way to teach self-rescue skills using water theory, child behavioral psychology, and physiology. My background in exercise science, medical research, and having a son with special needs has given me the patience and passion to work with my students in our program.

A sneak peek of my family of 5 loving life!